March 9, 2024

Brookhaven Retreat & Race

Brookhaven takes a staff retreat!

The first part of May was pretty quiet birth-wise, so we thought it would be perfect timing for a staff retreat! We found a lovely home to stay in and went to Baltimore for a few days. We ate a lot of seafood, but we did go to an Italian restaurant. We’re still talking about their food, particularly the mint chocolate chip ice cream. On one evening there was a waterfront music festival that we went to. The weather was absolutely perfect for walking, mingling with vendors, and enjoying some live bands.

Another really fun thing we did was vaginal steaming! The Belly Woman came to our temporary home, set up some steam boxes, and gave a great lesson on vaginal steaming. She also brought Butterfly Pea Flower tea and we were all oohing and ahhing over it’s pretty blue color that turns purple/magenta when you sweeten it. After the steam we all felt really relaxed, but we had a delicious dinner and walked along the water for a bit. Vaginal steaming is a great health practice that can ease discomfort and be a great tool for self-care. If you’d like to learn more about it, visit The Belly Woman’s site. Before leaving Baltimore we ate more yummy food at a spot called Spoons, picked up some pie (it really is dangerously delicious,) and listened to podcasts the entire way home.

The next morning we were up bright and early for The Sadie Rose Foundation’s annual 5k. Misty’s dogs kept us company on the course and even more exciting was that Alice’s son (who is hiding in the picture,) Misty’s husband, and Emily’s son also joined us! Since then things have settled back down and we’re gearing up for a busy month of catching babies.

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