Student Midwife

Nikki Trent

As an (almost) lifelong resident of the Shenandoah Valley, I’m so excited to train in this community as a student midwife.  I live in Elkton with my husband, three children (two born in the hospital and one in the Taigyn Suite at Brookhaven under the care of Misty Ward), and two dogs.  Most of my time is spent homeschooling my boys and chauffeuring them to various activities and sporting events.  In my spare time, I enjoy raising backyard chickens, gardening, hiking, kayaking, and traveling.

My interest in pregnancy and birth piqued in middle school when I began watching the show “A Baby Story” on TLC.  As an only child to an adoptive mother, this was a foreign topic in our home.  In college, I procrastinated my studies with internet deep dives and soon decided that natural childbirth was a priority for me as a future mother.  The deeper I dove, the more interested I became.  It was at this point that I first considered becoming a midwife.

Through the birth of my own children and my work as a birth photographer, I have found overwhelming value in the Midwives Model of Care and informed choice.  Up until this point, I’ve only been able to share it with others through impassioned discussion.  I’m incredibly grateful to be furthering my skills and education in order to share it with my community in the future as a care provider.  

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We are dedicated to give you the best experience.

Cindy Lockhart

Certified Professional Midwife, Licensed Midwife
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Misty Ward

Certified Professional Midwife, Owner, Clinical Director
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